How to Overcome Challenges in Implementing New Employee Benefits: A Guide for Managers

Modern technology can enhance employee benefit programs, though challenges in implementation must be addressed. Successful change management and preparation can lead to the best solution and smooth transition for all involved. While incorporating new tech offers substantial benefits, it demands effective handling of any arising issues.
two business men talking implementing employee benefits

New technology can be a boon for businesses, but managers often have a range of challenges to face when implementing a solution and ensuring it works as intended.

Whether these challenges arise from usability, lack of training, poor strategy, or a reluctance to change, managers can smooth the roadblocks and hit the ground running with the right implementation plan.

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    Reluctance to Change

    One of the common issues managers face with new benefits technology is employees resistant to change. Fortunately, understanding the core causes and creating practical strategies to proactively address change can facilitate a seamless transition from the old solution to the new one.

    Many employees resist the implementation of new technology because they fear the unknown. They may feel unsure about how the new solution will impact their day-to-day work or their job responsibilities, leading to anxiety.

    Another common reason is a lack of understanding. Not everyone is equally confident with technology, and this can make them reluctant to learn a new software solution. This is especially true if they don’t understand its purpose or how it benefits them.

    And finally, there’s comfort with the current processes. Employees may have a “why fix what isn’t broken” outlook on implementing new technology, or they may even prefer the current solution. Either way, they may not accept the disruption that comes with the new solution.

    To begin, address the employee resistance to new benefits technology by explaining the “why” and “how” behind it. Talk about the benefits and how they translate to real-world differences for the employees and the solutions advantages for the organisation. Talking in terms of the positives can alleviate concerns and develop shared goals in adopting and maximising the new solution.

    Make sure to offer training and support before, during, and after implementation as well. This will help your employees stay confident through the transition and reduce their anxiety about the change.

    Integration with Current Systems

    Integrating new benefits technology with existing solutions can be complex for several reasons. One of the main concerns is incompatibility between legacy HR technology and new solutions, leading to obstacles during integration.

    Another challenge is the data formats and structural differences, which may require extensive adjustments to facilitate communication between the solutions. Understanding these barriers in advance can help you prepare for integration and proactively address the problems that may arise.

    Before you evaluate your potential solutions, identify potential compatibility issues and areas for improvement that can inform the choice and the integration process. You should also work with a qualified solutions broker or consultant that can connect you with the right employee benefits technology vendor to provide guidance during the process. These experts also have insights into compatible solutions and can bridge communication gaps between IT and HR teams.

    System Reliability

    Old and outdated technology presents usability and security risks, but you know what you’re dealing with. Though a new solution offers benefits, the concerns surrounding system reliability, integration, and compatibility can be too great.

    It’s often easier for people to cling to inefficient systems and processes because they learn to work around them. Implementing a new system – even if it offers tailored solutions that can dramatically improve your business – also brings apprehension. What if the system is poorly configured? Are there security risks? How much of your current tech stack will you need to overhaul?

    Working with the right benefits technology vendor can alleviate all these concerns. Instead of tearing down and rebuilding your current stack, your vendor can help you find the best fit for your current business processes and goals. You can also count on guidance throughout the entire process to make sure that everything is up and running, reducing the risk of business disruption.

    Determining Success with Metrics

    The work doesn’t end once you successfully roll out your new solution. You have to consider the technology’s effectiveness and measure its success with the employees and your organization.

    This all starts with goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). Goals may include reducing administrative errors, increasing employee satisfaction, and improving efficiency. By defining KPIs, you can monitor progress and determine if you’re on track to meet your goals based on predetermined benchmarks.

    Next, track employee engagement and satisfaction. Implementing new benefits technology can improve the employee experience, but you have to check in with employees to determine engagement and satisfaction. Surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one meetings can help you gather feedback and gain insights into the perceptions of new technology. More importantly, you can see if there are areas for improvement.

    Another aspect to consider is the utilisation rate. This offers insights into how the employees are using the technology and what could be improved. For example, if it has a low utilisation rate within a certain department, that could indicate that the department may need more training.

    You should also consider the overall impact on the organisation. Consider the spend, money saved, efficiency improvements, employee retention, and more to see if the technology is having the results you want.

    However, if you choose to measure success, make sure you’re evaluating your solution on a regular basis to ensure that the investment is delivering the results you want and contributing to a positive impact in your organisation.

    Get the Most Out of Your Benefits Technology

    The advantages of integrating new technology for employee benefits can be remarkable, but you have to get over the barriers and obstacles with implementation to get there. Change management strategies and plenty of preparation can be a big help in not only choosing the right solution but ensuring a successful transition for your organisation and employees.

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    Picture of Frank Mengert

    Frank Mengert

    Frank Mengert continues to find success by spotting opportunities where others see nothing. As the founder and CEO of ebm, a leading provider of employee benefits solutions, Frank has built the business by bridging the gap between insurance and technology driven solutions for brokers, consultants, carriers, and employers nationwide.

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